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Get a Jump on your Photo Organization - Save Your Photos Month, now in its 10th year, is almost here!!


September is quickly approaching and in the Photo Organization world, that means it is Save Your Photos Month.

photo organization during Save Your Photos Month
Start your Photo Organization journey

Every year through The Photo Managers, free education is provided with relevant information regarding photo organizing projects. The goal is to help raise awareness of how important it is to preserve your photos and documents. What does this mean for you?! Throughout the month of September, classes led by top experts will be released twice-weekly on their youtube channel. In addition, you have the opportunity to be entered into drawings and win prizes from partners in the Photo Organization industry!

This annual event originated in response to a catastrophic weather incident that led to a significant loss of photo collections for many individuals. Ten years later, more and more people have the bulk, if not all, of their collections in digital format. While this might calm some concerns initially, it actually means that in addition to being at risk to major storms or disaster, there is now the additional risk of losing our collections due to file corruptions or digital error. As a result, Save Your Photos Month has continued to evolve and expand over the past 10 years in order to meet all of these needs.

Why is photo management an important aspect of decluttering our lives? Consider these statistics:

  • Every minute, humans take more photos than existed in total 150 years ago

  • 92.5% of photos are taken with smartphones, and only 7% with cameras

  • The average American has over 2400 photos on their smartphones and 24 videos

How many photos do you have in your phone's app? If your number is significantly higher, I wouldn't be surprised. For many of us it's 5x that, or more!

If you're thinking, "It's okay, I back up to the cloud," make sure to verify if this is indeed the case or if you are merely syncing to the cloud. Many are unaware that actions taken on a phone, such as deleting photos, are mirrored in the cloud. Save Your Photos Month is the perfect opportunity to explore genuine backup solutions for your photo collection.

Don't overlook September without giving a second thought to your photo collection. In our industry, there's a well-known saying: "If you don't take care of your photo collection, you are either someone who has lost photos, or you are someone who will." This is not about scare tactics; it's about being proactive. Avoid ignoring the importance of managing your photo collections. While it may seem challenging, it is entirely achievable to curate and back up your collections to guarantee their safety and preservation.

Furthermore, it is becoming increasingly vital to organize and preserve our visual legacy so that it remains easily accessible and can be shared with future generations. Every day, over 12,000 Americans turn 65 years old. Most of us really don't want to inherit or pass down a mess within their photo collection, right? I highly encourage you to watch videos about photo organizing and take steps this September towards your photo organization goals.

In addition to what The Photo Managers will be offering during Save Your Photos Month, I will be providing 2 webinars in the month of September. They will run approximately 30 minutes with time for Q&A. Visit The Sorted Home facebook site for event information, including the link to join in. The dates are:

  • Thursday Sept 12th. at 12:00 noon Tips on Cleaning Up a Messy Camera Roll.

  • Tuesday Sept 24rd at 12:00 noon 10 Tips for Organizing Photos

Whether you are local to Springfield, IL, or far away, I hope that you're able to join! Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns regarding your organizational needs!!

The Sorted Home, helpig individuals with their photo organization
The Sorted Home, providing Photo Organization

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